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Kompakt-Seminar zur Sklerotherapie in Bernau bei Berlin

Dr. med. Helene Riebe
Haut- und Laserzentrum Barnim, Bernau bei Berlin


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Kompakt-Seminar zur Sklerotherapie in Bernau bei Berlin

Dr. med. Helene Riebe
Haut- und Laserzentrum Barnim, Bernau bei Berlin

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K.I.S.S. 4th Kreussler International School of Sclerotherapy – Part II

REGISTRATION Please register under KISS@kreussler.com. The registration
fee of 150€ includes attendance to lessons, hands-on and live procedures,
as well as catering and accommodation.
VENUE French Society of Phlebology and Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire Clinic
Ramsay Santé, Paris.
SECOND PART The advanced course will be scheduled for November, 7th
and 8th, 2025.


  PROGRAM Please scan the QR code below for more information.

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K.I.S.S. 4th Kreussler International School of Sclerotherapy

REGISTRATION Please register under KISS@kreussler.com. The registration
fee of 150€ includes attendance to lessons, hands-on and live procedures,
as well as catering and accommodation.
VENUE French Society of Phlebology and Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire Clinic
Ramsay Santé, Paris.
SECOND PART The advanced course will be scheduled for November, 7th
and 8th, 2025.


  PROGRAM Please scan the QR code below for more information.

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Sklerosierung und Ligatur bei Hämorrhoidalleiden

ikh – Institut für Koloproktologie Hannover
Hildesheimer Straße 6
30169 Hannover

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17. Lübecker Sklero-Kompakt-Kurs

Prof. Dr. Birgit Kahle
Lübeck, Deutschland

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27. Sklerosierungs-Workshop

Dr. Elisabeth Langer
Remigius Klinik im Park, Hilden


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10. Mitteldeutsches Sklerotherapieseminar

Dr. Tobias Hirsch
Halle (Saale), Deutschland
www.mitteldeutsches-sklerotherapieseminar.de                              info@mitteldeutsches-sklerotherapieseminar.de


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5. Kölner Mikro-Sklerotherapie Workshop

Dr. Renate Murena
Köln, Deutschland

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26. Sklerosierungs-Workshop

Dr. Elisabeth Langer
Remigius Klinik im Park, Hilden

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